SimpleWrap application question
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Author:  MarcoBiagi [ Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  SimpleWrap application question

I have a question on the simple wrap application.
I have tried to use the simple wrap application and i had notice a thing: when i try to wrap an essence file that i had previous unwrapped for some other MXF file found on internet, the wrapper recognize the essence and wrap it, if i try to wrap any other file like a jpeg created with microsoft paint, or a mpeg file, he don't recongize the file.
When the application execute the command "Main Parser-> IdentifyEssence(InFile)" it return an empty list of EssenceSubParser, so the application write at console:"Couldn't identuify the essence type".
I think that if a avi file is coded with some codec like Divx the application can' recognize it, but i don't understand why it don't recongize a simple jpeg file?

Author:  MarcoBiagi [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I have read in some topics that the MPEG not supported formats include Transport Streams, Program Streams, MPEG Audio, MPEG4 Video and MPEG1 Video (although this will work with some warnings).
But why it don't recongnize jpeg essence?

Author:  MarcoBiagi [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok, I self answer to my question.
Because there is no Generic Container definited by SMPTE for simple Jpeg file, but only for uncompressed image and Jpeg2000.

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