How to wrap essence in MXF file
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Author:  Hannibal [ Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  How to wrap essence in MXF file

Hi everybody, I'm new in this board.

I work until now with MXF API of another company and now I look at mxflib.
I tried to understand how to use them, but I don't understand how to build a mxf file.

In particular I'm interested in wrap jp2k codestreams in a mxf file, with OP-Atom, as specified in the DCI standard.

Can someone give me a little part of code to understand how to use the lib (just an example)?

Thank you

Author:  alexxx [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Hannibal,

You don't need to write code in this case, because there is a wonderful sample application delivered with mxflib, called mxfwrap.

just type
mxfwrap -a[2] <inputfiles> <outputfile>

The option -a[2] forces OPAtom, otherwise it you would get Op1a

Regards, alexx

Author:  Danny [ Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  How do you format the <inputfiles>?

How do you format the <inputfiles>?

I am interested in making a 5 second Digital Cinema Package and I am stuck. I can't seem to figure out how to wrap the .jp2 images.

If I have a folder called "images" with 120 images called "frame00000.jp2" thru "frame000119.jp2" how do I form the command for mxfwrap?

I seem to be able to wrap a few frames together:
mxfwrap images\frame00000.jp2+images\frame00001.jp2+images\frame00002.jp2 out.mxf
As a matter of fact I can wrap up to 16 frames this way, but I can't figure out how to wrap a whole folder of images.

By the way is .jp2 the correct image file to wrap for a Digital Cinema Package?

Thanks for the help. I'd really like to learn.

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