mxfwrap/simplewrap: EssenceDuration is 1 for wav file
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Author:  ericy [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:01 pm ]
Post subject:  mxfwrap/simplewrap: EssenceDuration is 1 for wav file


I have been trying to use mxfwrap to wrap a simple wav file. In this case I am using ding.wav. Around line 1840 in mxfwrap.cpp, EssenceDuration is calculated from ...GetCurrentPosition(). I noticed that my mxf files show the wrong duration and and the embedded audio is of the wrong size. I have looked through the code and can't readily find what is going on. Does anyone have a solution or suggestion?

mxfwrap -i -a ding.wav ding.mxf

on a mac running OSX10.4 using freemxf 1.0.0


Author:  Matt Beard [ Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:24 am ]
Post subject: 


This bug was fixed and released in version 1.0.1-Beta

Changes since version version 1.0.0

* Fix VideoLineMap values to match known standards
* Add parsing of system items
* Fix bug with clip-wrapped audio files being given a duration of 1
* Ensure correct block alignment with complex partition layouts
* Improve error checking of batches
* Correct a problem where label comparisons could test 17 bytes
* Add array header in vbi code
* Ensure that clip-wrapping does not attempt to use unreasonable amounts of RAM

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