How to wrap essences to XDCAM MXF Format
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Author:  Jalal [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  How to wrap essences to XDCAM MXF Format

hi all,
i have an IMX 50Mbit and 4 wave channel that fused from avid liquid
can i use the mxf wrapper to produce XDCAM(IMX) Campatible MXF file,
i use the following command:

mxfwrap -k=512 -f -u -ip "IMX50.m2v+ch1.wav+ch2.wav+ch3.wav+ch4.wav" "XDCAM.mxf"

but at transfer time by sony pdz1 i have the following error:
unsupported operational pattern


Author:  Matt Beard [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

There are 2 problems that I see there, the first is that IMX is a single video stream with a single 8-channel audio stream, not a single video plus 4 single audio.

The second is that you also need to supply a system item for each CP. This can be produced quite easily from a new EssenceSource, but you would have to code that yourself.

Full IMX (D10) support is on the to-do list...

Author:  danversj [ Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Matt,

I too am interested in being able to wrap IMX-D10 files to MXFs, compatible with the EVS XFile. The XFile software is free to download from - you can only run it on an XFile PC, but it comes with a useful MXF player and with a couple of IMX MXF header/footer templates and some other MXF templates. I can send some MXF file sampes and/or the template files if you're interested. The native format of the XFile is "EVS MXF" but I've discovered that with some coersion it is able to read OP1a files.



Author:  digital [ Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  XDCAM(DV25)


i have similar problem with XDCAM DV25 .mxf compatible files,
i use the following command:

mxfwrap -k=512 -f -1 -ip "dvvideo.dif+ch1.wav+ch2.wav+ch3.wav+ch4.wav" "XDCAM.mxf"

and the output file is unusable in XDCAM devices ...

How its possible to create XDCAM DV25 compatible files with mxflib ?

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