Question about 0.5 Beta PreRel-2
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Author:  harden [ Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Question about 0.5 Beta PreRel-2


when I open build/msvc/mxflib.dsw, using MSVC++ under Windows 2000, the compiler searches for two projectfiles: mxfx.dsp and mxfcrypt.dsp.
I canĀ“t find them in the library.

When I compile the mxfwrap sample I get the message:

Error: sopSAXParseFile failed for types.xml
Error: sopSAXParseFile failed for xmldict.xml

in the command-line window.


Author:  Matt Beard [ Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

There seem to be three issues here:

* Missing mxfx project file - This is a new project that has not yet been released. I should have removed the entry in the workspace file before checking it in. Please ignore it.

* Missing mxfcrypto project - This is a new project that HAS been released and so the project file should be there! It seems that it was omitted from the release. I have just checked it in to SourceForge, so if you have CVS access you can extract it (from the Develop-EssenceRead branch), or you could wait for SourceForge's CVS web-interface to catch up and get it from there. Alternatively I can send it to you if you e-mail me.

* sopSAXParseFile failure - This should be as simple as you not having the xml files in the "current directory" when you run the files. Otherwise it suggests there is a problem with the search path. If you do have the xml files in the current directory please e-mail me and I will look into it further.

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