The -s flag (SplitStereo) isn't used in mxfsplit, the -w flag (SplitWave) however is.
Apart from that, the header in an AVID WAV file contains some extra chunks which may prevent the essence from being recognized. (I'd have to check how this translates into a WAV file wrapped inside an mxf file, but I don't have a suitable mxf file available)
An optional solution could be to prepend a WAV header to the RAW PCM essence yourself.
The structure is very simple:
fourcc fRIFF; // 0
LEUInt32 RIFF_len; // 4
fourcc fWAVE; // 8
fourcc ffmt_; // 12
LEUInt32 fmt__len; // 16
LEUInt16 format; // 20
LEUInt16 nchannels; // 22
LEUInt32 samplespersec; // 24
LEUInt32 avgbps; // 28
LEUInt16 blockalign; // 32
LEUInt16 bitspersample; // 34
fourcc data; // 36
LEUInt32 data_len; // 40
// 44
and the code to fill out the fields can be copied fom the mxfsplit application.
void WriteWaveHeader(FileHandle File, Int16 Channels, UInt32 SamplesPerSec, UInt16 BitsPerSample, UInt32 DataSize /*=0*/)