Avid Media Composer Adrenaline
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Author:  DimiG [ Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Avid Media Composer Adrenaline

Hi All,

I use MXFlib 1.0 on Linux

Such command I have used for MXF creation:

#mxfwrap -a[2] inputfile.m2v outputfile.mxf

The picture size was 720x576 PAL ES MPEG2

I can't import such file into Avid project bin. It says I should read HELP for it. As U can see this is an 'Atom'

If I do OP1a Avid crashes with unknown error.

The question is: What should I do to get Avid compatible file?
Is it necessary to code video into AVDJ - Avid Motion JPEG ???

P.S. If you need the Avid sample for analysis I could send it by request.
P.P.S At the same time I can do tests for ProTools MXF import also.

I'm ready to share experience. :roll:


Author:  Pardus [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hope this response is still usefull.

AVID op-atoms files contain large amounts of dark AAF-like data, which makes it (in my experience) very hard to create such a file using the MXFlib.

There however does exist a project on sourceforge, INGEX, which contains an open source software library libMXF (to keep it original :wink: ).

Included with this library are a number of tools.
One of these is writeavidmxf, which should do exactly what you need.

If you want to use the mxflib toolset, one of the following might also work:

What you definitely should do is enable the use of a version 1 KLVFill item key, or else AVID will very probably produce an error

One of these may produce better results (I haven't tested these):

create an op-1a file to import it in Avid Media composer

mxfwrap -1 -i -k=512 -u inputfile.m2v outputfile.mxf

or if you want an op-atom

mxfwrap -1 -a -i -e -k=256 -u inputfile.m2v outputfile.mxf

Author:  dell2405 [ Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Avid Media Composer Adrenaline

Hi all

I use BBC Ingex in opensuse 10.3.
Does anyone know how to use these tools like mxfreader createaaf?

I need tools to
1. read avid-Op1a and output avid-Opatom!
2. Convert OP1a or Opatom to avid aaf!!


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