Setting the number of bytes in a KLV length field
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Author:  Pardus [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Setting the number of bytes in a KLV length field

Hi again,

I've a question concerning the number of bytes used for the length in a KLV triplet.

I've been dissecting AVID OP-atom files and noticed that the length field in these files seems to be a fixed 9 bytes:


when creating a new file using mxflib, the default number of bytes seems to be 4, unless the length of the value exceeds 16777216 bytes:


Is there a way (parameter/feature/function) to change this default number of bytes to 9 bytes when creating a new MXFfile?

Author:  Matt Beard [ Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Probably the easiest way to make this non-standard behaviour is to modify the MakeBER() function in helper.h to always write 9-byte BER lengths. You could turn this into a user-defined feature if you want.

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