Trouble loading dict.xml on OSX
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Author: [ Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Trouble loading dict.xml on OSX

I am attempting to wrap an Avid DNxHD file into an MXF but I keep getting an error saying the app can't find dict.xml. I have copied dict.xml into the folder containing mxfwrap and I am running this from within this folder. I just installed mxflib-beta-1.0.1 and 'make check' returned all oks. Any ideas? I have also tried several different options but everything I do returns this error.

Thanks for any ideas.

cable:/Users/trevorc/programming_cable/MXF_docs/mxflib-beta-1.0.1-gcc4.3-v2/mxfwrap:{25}./mxfwrap -1 -a -i -e -k=256 -u /Users/trevorc/programming_cable/MXF_docs/mxflib-beta-1.0.1-gcc4.3-v2/sfEncoded.hd testfile.mxf
MXFlib File Wrapper

KAGSize = 256

Input file = /Users/trevorc/programming_cable/MXF_docs/mxflib-beta-1.0.1-gcc4.3-v2/sfEncoded.hd
Output file = testfile.mxf

Output OP = OP-Atom
An updated header will be written after writing the footer
At least 16384 padding bytes will be left after the initial writing of the header
Index tables will be written for each frame wrapped essence container
Index table segments will not share a partition with essence
KLVFill items will be written with a version 1 key, for compatibility
ERROR: XML FATAL ERROR: Failed to load dictionary "dict.xml"

ERROR: Orthodox dictionary failed to load

Author:  Matt Beard [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

MXFLib uses the host OS's 'standard' locations for for the dictionary files. For OSX it uses the *nix standard of "/usr/local/share/mxflib" but you can override this by setting MXFLIB_DATA_DIR

To have the dictionary in the working directory you will need to do:


before running mxfwrap

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