convert mxf to image sequence
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Author:  SElsner [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  convert mxf to image sequence


I have been challenged with the task to convert a mxf file to a DPX (or alternatively OpenExr) file sequence. Perhaps you can recommend a tool that can do this already (haven't found something on google). If there is nothing available, can you roughly lay out (or point me to an example) how I would read an mxf via the library and unpack the essence data to RBG, which I then write as a dpx/exr (i have done that already- so no problem there).



Author:  Matt Beard [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

It really depends on what type of MXF file it is - do you know the format of the essence in the file?

The MXFSplit sample program that is part of MXFLib will extract all the essence in an MXF file to separate files - that would be a good starting point

Author:  SElsner [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

The files come straight out of avid media composer. The project is PAL 16:9 DV Pro 25 4:2:0.

Thought I have worked with image frameworks for visual effects I am very new to the whole codec/container/editing area. I had a look at the split tool and noticed that the metadata in my files doesn't even contain the timecode which I am after. I think this is a avid media composer problem, because other mxf files have them.

But I guess with the DV Parser classes I could access the data stream as RGB values, right?

Your help is much appreciated! Thanks for the quick reply.


Author:  Matt Beard [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

It may be that you would be better off using MXFSplit to extract the DV essence, then convert that to an image sequence.

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