Nesting sets
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Author:  enpingado [ Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Nesting sets

I am trying to define a local set with a nested local set in my own dictionary xml.

I am able to define my own local set, but would like to define a local set that includes another local set.

here is a simple example of what i want to do.

local set: corner
contains x and y integers.

local set: box
contains a,b,c,d. where all are corners.


Author:  Matt Beard [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nested sets are specifically forbidden for MXF.

From 377m-2004, section 5.3.8:
"Note that the use of recursive group structures could prevent backwards compatibility with existing implementations and is therefore prohibited in MXF defined sets."

From 377-1-2009, section 6.3.9:
"Recursive group structures shall not be used in MXF Structural and MXF Descriptive Metadata Sets"

It may be possible to use them in non-MXF structures in an MXF file (e.g. a proprietary descriptive metadata scheme) but this has not been tested in MXFLib as it is likely to break many implementations.

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