Howto use the Dictionary
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Author:  flocke196 [ Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Howto use the Dictionary

Hello there,

i don´t understand the function of the dict.xml for mxfwrap.exe.
May i use it for setting the parameters for the created mxf file?

For example, i need to set the Active Format Descriptor value for an mxf file, created with mxfwrap.
So i´ve successfully searched for that element in the dict.xml, but i don´t know how to set it to my desired value.

After wrapping with mxfwrap (with path the dict.xml), i can´t find the active format descriptor in in my mpeg2videodescriptor.

How can i set the elements, mentioned in dict.xml, to my desired values? Is mxfwrap.exe able to wrap these elements (defined in dict.xml) into a mxf file?
Sorry for my (maybe) dumb questions.

Keep up your good work.

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