mxf trim using embedded timecode
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Author:  josesanpedro [ Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  mxf trim using embedded timecode

hi there!

i need help! im trying to trim an mxf video in smaller videos and i need to do this using the timecode embedded on the video file. there is anyway to this with mxflib?

i can trim the video with ffmpeg, but i cant use the embedded timecode because ffmpeg dont deal with it. there is anyway to extract the embedded timecode from the mxf with mxflib?

thanks in advance!

Author:  Matt Beard [ Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: mxf trim using embedded timecode

Indeed - you just need to locate either the material package of file package, then iterate the tracks looking for the timecode track (and decide what to do if more than one). Then the format of this track is pretty easy to follow. This will let you locate the start and end edit units from your required timecode. If you are comfortable writing C++ code at the level required for manipulating MXF files I would expect that the task will not be too hard. Please let me know if you need any help with specific parts.

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