MXF file for Avid Adrenaline
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Author:  Javier [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  MXF file for Avid Adrenaline

Hi I'm trying to generate a MXF file for Avid Adrenaline. The original data is an AVI (DV) file and two audio files associated. I know that AVID works with MXF OP-Atom files with 4 tracks in the material package (TC,V,A1,A2) and only one source package. Can I generate the MXF file compatible with AVID with S&W components? How I can generate these compatible files?

Author:  nikolai [ Tue May 16, 2006 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  me too


Thanks for that great work. I tried to import mxf file into Avid DV Pro. got an Error message: "This is no xdcam mxf file".
Can anybody help me if it is possible to fullfill the avid tech specs with this software ...


Author:  Matt Beard [ Fri May 19, 2006 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Compatibility testing with Avid tools is on the timeline at the moment, but has not yet been done.

It may speed things up if you are able to send me a small example file of the format you require - I can then see what is required to produce a compatible file.

Please e-mail me if you are able to do this

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