Hi Matt
I eventually got the source to compile, thanks for clarification that it works on 10.4.8. After seeing some wierd messages about paths, I copied the entire mxflib tree into /usr/local/share/ Some messages seemed to point to the need for an /mxflib folder there. (I have no idea why). After this I did ./configure && make and it all went OK. What is the significance of /usr/local/share/mxflib ??
I wonder if you could advise on how to integrate this into an XCode project. Although I have 20 years experience programming macs, this command line unix stuff is still a bit scary (as is using other people's code generally ! ), and its not really clear to me how to use the library or the source in my app.
I have tried taking libMXF.a into my project, but there are lots of references to <mxflib/mxflib.h> which cant be found - this would normally point to a framework in XCode - however this isnt really what we have got. I dont really know where else the mxlib tree needs to be to get past this error.
When I try to force it past that I am also seeing really basic stuff like objections to UInt32 which shows something must be really out of whack
Sorry to be so stupid, but there is a basic brain block on how to get from GCC in the command line to XCode.
I would love to get all the source into my XCode project so in the future we would not be dependant on a compiled library. Getting this over to an Intel mac is another concern (haven't compiled the source on Intel yet).
** Any chance you could build a HELLO WORLD project in XCode with all the MXFLib stuff in the project and ready to call ? **
My first need is to simple get the simplewrap example working as part of a larger project
Thanks for any advice or assistance