MXF in Linux magic file
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Author:  barsju [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  MXF in Linux magic file

Hi, does anyone know if there is magic file somewhere that contains matches for MXF files.
I know howto identify the MXF file it self by its magic number:
0 string \x06\x0E\x2B\x34\x02\x05\x01\x01\x0D\x01\x02\x01\x01\x02 application/mxf

But I would also like to say something about the content of the file.
Does it contain audio, video or data and what kind of codecs are used.

I figured that this should be possible by using the ULs but since there are quite a few of those I was hoping that someone had done this already.

If not, does anyone have any tips on how to find the ULs (or the offset to them) in the MXF file, preferably in the offset format of magic file but any help would be great.


Author:  Matt Beard [ Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

You simply need to decode the EssenceContainers batch in the header partition pack (or ideally the footer if the header is open).

You will find a list of values for the ULs in this batch (with bitmasks showing those bits that can change for different version) in the dict.xml file of the MXFLib project.

In fact the MXFDump sample utility should dump everything you need at the top of its dump.

Author:  seraulu1 [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  ''mind me''

:) :) :) ,

That's good help and suggestion but can i know too why barsju said that should be possible by using the ULs?
can you give me some instruction i am very sorry for my bad English hope you understand it :oops: ,
and by the way thanks again for your help that's good idea,thanks god bless :)how to hypnotize people

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