Hi, Matt.
I try to run a project with mxflib and I get a problem during linking the project.
I've got MS Visual C++ 2008 on Windows XP.
Linker returns 3 errors:
1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl mxflib::error(char const *,...)" (?error@mxflib@@YAXPBDZZ) referenced in function "protected: virtual void __thiscall mxflib::RefCount<class mxflib::UL>::DeleteRef(class mxflib::ParentPtr<class mxflib::UL> &)" (?DeleteRef@?$RefCount@VUL@mxflib@@@mxflib@@MAEXAAV?$ParentPtr@VUL@mxflib@@@2@@Z)
1>mxf2Jpeg.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl mxflib::error(char const *,...)" (?error@mxflib@@YAXPBDZZ)
1>D:\4k\mxf\mxfToJpeg\mxfToJpeg\Debug\mxfToJpeg01.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
I created a mxflib.lib library, I added it to my project.
I included mxflib.lib to my header file with: #include <mxflib/mxflib.h>.
After that I can't build my project.
If I build any project from mxflib-beta-1.0.1 it ends successfully.
I tried all day, but I can't figure it out.
Could you help, please?
I received an error in system.h, line 357:
else Ret += " " + std::string(OSInfo.szCSDVersion);
I had to add (LPCSTR) type casting and now it's compiled without errors. You can see it below.
else Ret += " " + std::string((LPCSTR) OSInfo.szCSDVersion);