IndexTable Class Reference

Class that holds an index table. More...

#include <index.h>

Inheritance diagram for IndexTable:

RefCount IRefCount List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IndexTable ()
 Construct an IndexTable with no CBRDeltaArray.
 ~IndexTable ()
 Free any memory used by BaseDeltaArray when this IndexTable is destroyed.
void DefineDeltaArray (int DeltaCount, DeltaEntry *DeltaArray)
 Define the base delta entry array from another delta entry array.
void DefineDeltaArray (int DeltaCount, UInt32 *ElementSizes)
 Define the base delta entry array from an array of element sizes.
IndexSegmentPtr AddSegment (MDObjectPtr Segment)
 Add an index table segment from an "IndexSegment" MDObject.
IndexSegmentPtr AddSegment (Int64 StartPosition)
 Create a new empty index table segment.
IndexSegmentPtr GetSegment (Position EditUnit)
 Get the segment containing a specified edit unit.
bool AddIndexEntry (Position EditUnit, Int8 TemporalOffset, Int8 KeyFrameOffset, UInt8 Flags, UInt64 StreamOffset, int SliceCount=0, UInt32 *SliceOffsets=NULL, int PosCount=0, Rational *PosTable=NULL)
 Add a single index entry creating segments as required.
IndexPosPtr Lookup (Position EditUnit, int SubItem=0, bool Reorder=true)
 Perform an index table look-up.
void Update (Position EditUnit, UInt64 StreamOffset)
 Update the Stream Offset of an index entry.
void Correct (Position EditUnit, Int8 TemporalOffset, Int8 KeyFrameOffset, UInt8 Flags)
 Fudge to correct index entry.
void Purge (UInt64 FirstPosition, UInt64 LastPosition)
 Free memory by purging the specified range from the index.
size_t WriteIndex (DataChunk &Buffer)
 Write this index table to a memory buffer.
ReorderIndexPtr GetReorder (void)
 Get a pointer to the reorder index object (if one has been enabled).
ReorderIndexPtr EnableReorder (void)
 Enable reordering and get a pointer to the reorder index object.

Public Attributes

UInt32 IndexSID
UInt32 BodySID
Rational EditRate
UInt32 EditUnitByteCount
 Byte count for each and every edit unit, if CBR, else zero.
int BaseDeltaCount
 Number of entries in BaseDeltaArray.
 Deltas for CBR data and base delta array for VBR segments.
IndexSegmentMap SegmentMap
 Map of edit unit position to index entry for VBR.
int NSL
 NSL as defined in SMPTE-337M (number of slices minus 1).
int NPE
 NPE as defined in SMPTE-337M (number of PosTable entries).
int IndexEntrySize
 Size of each index entry (11 + 4*NSL + 8*NPE).
ReorderIndexPtr Reorder
 Pointer to our reorder index if we are using one (used for building reordered indexes).

Static Public Attributes

static const Position IndexLowest
 The lowest valid index position, used to flag omitted "start" parameters.

Detailed Description

Class that holds an index table.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IndexTable (  )  [inline]

Construct an IndexTable with no CBRDeltaArray.

~IndexTable (  )  [inline]

Free any memory used by BaseDeltaArray when this IndexTable is destroyed.

Member Function Documentation

void DefineDeltaArray ( int  DeltaCount,
DeltaEntry DeltaArray 
) [inline]

Define the base delta entry array from another delta entry array.

void DefineDeltaArray ( int  DeltaCount,
UInt32 ElementSizes 
) [inline]

Define the base delta entry array from an array of element sizes.

With this version of DefineDeltaArray Slice numbers are calculated and all PosTableIndex entries are set to 0. Whenever an element size has the value zero a new slice is started

< Running delta value for current slice

IndexSegmentPtr AddSegment ( MDObjectPtr  Segment  ) 

Add an index table segment from an "IndexSegment" MDObject.

DRAGONS: Not the most efficient way to do this

IndexSegmentPtr AddSegment ( Int64  StartPosition  ) 

Create a new empty index table segment.

IndexSegmentPtr GetSegment ( Position  EditUnit  ) 

Get the segment containing a specified edit unit.

bool AddIndexEntry ( Position  EditUnit,
Int8  TemporalOffset,
Int8  KeyFrameOffset,
UInt8  Flags,
UInt64  StreamOffset,
int  SliceCount = 0,
UInt32 SliceOffsets = NULL,
int  PosCount = 0,
Rational PosTable = NULL 

Add a single index entry creating segments as required.

IndexPosPtr Lookup ( Position  EditUnit,
int  SubItem = 0,
bool  Reorder = true 

Perform an index table look-up.

Note that the return value is relative to the start of the EC in frame-wrapping, but relative to the start of the value of the first KLV in the first edit unit in the essence container in clip-wrapping

void Update ( Position  EditUnit,
UInt64  StreamOffset 

Update the Stream Offset of an index entry.

void Correct ( Position  EditUnit,
Int8  TemporalOffset,
Int8  KeyFrameOffset,
UInt8  Flags 

Fudge to correct index entry.

void Purge ( UInt64  FirstPosition,
UInt64  LastPosition 

Free memory by purging the specified range from the index.

DRAGONS: This function needs testing, also it could be improved to purge partial segments as well

size_t WriteIndex ( DataChunk Buffer  ) 

Write this index table to a memory buffer.

ReorderIndexPtr GetReorder ( void   )  [inline]

Get a pointer to the reorder index object (if one has been enabled).

ReorderIndexPtr EnableReorder ( void   )  [inline]

Enable reordering and get a pointer to the reorder index object.

Member Data Documentation

UInt32 IndexSID

UInt32 BodySID

Rational EditRate

UInt32 EditUnitByteCount

Byte count for each and every edit unit, if CBR, else zero.

int BaseDeltaCount

Number of entries in BaseDeltaArray.

DeltaEntry* BaseDeltaArray

Deltas for CBR data and base delta array for VBR segments.

IndexSegmentMap SegmentMap

Map of edit unit position to index entry for VBR.

int NSL

NSL as defined in SMPTE-337M (number of slices minus 1).

int NPE

NPE as defined in SMPTE-337M (number of PosTable entries).

int IndexEntrySize

Size of each index entry (11 + 4*NSL + 8*NPE).

ReorderIndexPtr Reorder

Pointer to our reorder index if we are using one (used for building reordered indexes).

The entries will be built into segments by function xxx()

const Position IndexLowest [static]

The lowest valid index position, used to flag omitted "start" parameters.

DRAGONS: Why isn't this initialized here in the header file? Because MSVC 6 won't allow that!!

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Generated on Mon Apr 2 15:20:59 2007 for MXFLib by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1