constants.h [code] | Definitions of constant values and "magic" numbers |
crypto.cpp | Implementation of classes that hanldle basic encryption and decryption |
crypto.h [code] | Definition of classes that wrap encryption and decryption tools |
crypto_asdcp.cpp | AS-DCP compatible encryption and decryption |
crypto_asdcp.h [code] | Definitions for AS-DCP compatible encryption and decryption |
datachunk.cpp | Simple re-sizable data chunk object |
datachunk.h [code] | Simple re-sizable data chunk object |
debug.h [code] | Debug and error handling declarations |
deftypes.cpp | Dictionary processing |
deftypes.h [code] | Definition of classes that load type and class dictionaries |
dict.h [code] | |
dictconvert.cpp | Convert an XML dictionary file to compile-time definitions |
DotFile.cpp | Utility class for writing GraphViz dot files |
DotFile.h [code] | Utility class for writing GraphViz dot files |
endian.h [code] | Integer read and write functions header |
esp.cpp | Initialisation of the essence sub-parser list |
esp_dvdif.cpp | Implementation of class that handles parsing of DV-DIF streams |
esp_dvdif.h [code] | Definition of class that handles parsing of DV-DIF streams |
esp_jp2k.cpp | Implementation of class that handles parsing of JPEG 2000 files |
esp_jp2k.h [code] | Definition of class that handles parsing of JPEG 2000 files |
esp_mpeg2ves.cpp | Implementation of class that handles parsing of MPEG-2 video elementary streams |
esp_mpeg2ves.h [code] | Definition of class that handles parsing of MPEG-2 video elementary streams |
esp_template.cpp | Implementation of class that handles parsing of <File type>=""> |
esp_template.h [code] | Definition of class that handles parsing of <File type>=""> |
esp_wavepcm.cpp | Implementation of class that handles parsing of uncompressed pcm wave audio files |
esp_wavepcm.h [code] | Definition of class that handles parsing of uncompressed pcm wave audio files |
essence.cpp | Implementation of classes that handle essence reading and writing |
essence.h [code] | Definition of classes that handle essence reading and writing |
features.h [code] | Control compile-time and run-time selectable library features |
forward.h [code] | Various forward declarations |
helper.cpp | Verious helper functions |
helper.h [code] | Verious helper function declarations |
index.cpp | Implementation of classes that handle index tables |
index.h [code] | Definition of classes that handle index tables |
klvobject.cpp | Implementation of classes that define basic KLV objects |
klvobject.h [code] | Definition of classes that define basic KLV objects |
mdobject.cpp | Implementation of classes that define metadata objects |
mdobject.h [code] | Definition of classes that define metadata objects |
mdtraits.cpp | Implementation of traits for MDType definitions |
mdtraits.h [code] | Definition of traits for MDType definitions |
mdtype.cpp | Implementation of classes that define metadata type info |
mdtype.h [code] | Definition of classes that define metadata type info |
metadata.cpp | Implementation of Metadata class |
metadata.h [code] | Definition of Header Metadata classes |
mxf2dot.cpp | Utility to dump an MXF file as a GraphViz dot file |
mxfcrypt.cpp | MXF en/decrypt utility for MXFLib |
mxfdump.cpp | Simple application to dump an MXF file using MXFLib |
mxffile.cpp | Implementation of MXFFile class |
mxffile.h [code] | Definition of MXFFile class |
mxflib.h [code] | The main MXFLib header file |
mxfsplit.cpp | Splitter (linear sequential unwrap program) for MXFLib |
mxfwrap.cpp | Basic MXF essence wrapping utility |
partition.cpp | Implementation of Partition class |
partition.h [code] | Definition of Partition class |
primer.cpp | Implementation of Primer class |
primer.h [code] | Definition of Primer class |
rip.cpp | Implementation of RIP class |
rip.h [code] | Definition of RIP class |
simplewrap.cpp | Simple MXF essence wrapping utility |
smartptr.h [code] | Smart Pointer class |
sopsax.cpp | 'sopranino SAX' super-light SAX style XML Parsers |
sopsax.h [code] | 'sopranino SAX' super-light SAX style XML Parsers |
system.h [code] | System specifics |
types.h [code] | The main MXF data types |
ulmap.h [code] | |
vbi.cpp | Implementation of classes that handle Vertical Inerval Blanking data |
vbi.h [code] | Definition of classes that handle Vertical Inerval Blanking data |
waveheader.h [code] | Waveheader - a very simple wave format class |
xmlparser.cpp | Interface to available SAX style XML parser |
xmlparser.h [code] | Interface to available SAX style XML parser |