AESDecrypt | AES decryption class |
AESEncrypt | AES encryption class |
Basic_GCFillerHandler | Basic GCReader handler for filler |
BodyReader | BodyReader class - reads from an MXF file (reads data is "pulled" from the file) |
BodyStream | Class holding data relating to a stream to be written by BodyWriter |
BodyWrapping | |
BodyWriter | Body writer class - manages multiplexing of essence |
BodyWriter::StreamInfo | Class for holding info relating to a stream |
BodyWriterHandler | Base class for partition candler callbacks |
ClassRecord | Single entry for a class to be defined - built at run-time and can be stacked if required to allow out-of-order definitions |
Component | Generic component super-class |
ConstClassRecord | Single entry for a class to be defined - can be stored as a compile-time built structure |
ConstDictionaryRecord | Single entry for a dictionary to be defined - can be stored as a compile-time built structure |
ConstTypeRecord | Single entry for a type to be defined - can be stored as a compile-time built structure |
ConvertState | State structure for XML parsing |
DataChunk | |
Decrypt_Base | Base decryptor wrapper class |
Decrypt_GCEncryptionHandler | Decrypting GCReader encryption handler |
Decrypt_GCReadHandler | Decrypting GCReader handler |
DeltaEntry | Structure for holding delta entries |
Dictionary | Run-time dictionary definition - built from other run-time record definitions |
DMSegment | Holds data relating to a DMSegment |
DMSegmentPtr | A smart pointer to a DMSegment object (with operator[] overload) |
DMSourceClip | Holds data relating to a DMSourceClip |
DMSourceClipPtr | A smart pointer to a DMSourceClip object (with operator[] overload) |
DotAttribute | |
DotFile | |
DotObjectAttribute | |
DV_DIF_EssenceSubParser | Class that handles parsing of DV-DIf streams |
DV_DIF_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSource | Class for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing DV-DIF essence |
DV_DIF_EssenceSubParserFactory | Factory class for making DV-DIF parsers |
Encrypt_Base | Base encryptor wrapper class |
Encrypt_GCReadHandler | Encrypting GCReader handler |
EssenceParser | Master-class for parsing essence via EssenceSubParser objects |
EssenceParser::WrappingConfig | Configuration data for an essence parser with a specific wrapping option |
EssenceSink | Abstract super-class for objects that receive large quantities of essence data |
EssenceSource | Abstract super-class for objects that supply large quantities of essence data |
EssenceStreamDescriptor | |
EssenceSubParser | Abstract base class for all essence parsers |
EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSource | Base class for essence parser EssenceSource objects |
EssenceSubParserFactory | Base class for any EssenceSubParserFactory classes |
EssenceSubParserSelfFactory | A wrapper class that allows an EssenceSubParser to be its own factory |
FileParser | File parser - parse essence from a sequential set of files |
FileParser::SequentialEssenceSource | Essence Source that manages a sequence of essence sources from a list of file patterns |
FileParser::SubStreamInfo | Information about a substream |
fourcc | |
full_time | < Structure for holding accurate time (to nearest 4ms) |
GCElementKind | Structure to hold information about each stream in a GC |
GCReader | Class that reads data from an MXF file |
GCReadHandler_Base | Base class for GCReader handlers |
GCStreamData | Structure to hold information about each stream in a GC |
GCWriter | Class that manages writing of generic container essence |
GCWriter::WriteBlock | Structure for items to be written |
Hash_Base | Base hash function wrapper class |
HashHMACSHA1 | HMAC-SHA1 hash function wrapper |
Identifier | |
IndexEntry | Class for holding index entries that may be out of order |
IndexManager | |
IndexManager::IndexData | |
IndexPos | Structure for holding the result of an index table look-up |
IndexSegment | |
IndexTable | Class that holds an index table |
IRefCount | An interface for reference counting |
JP2K_EssenceSubParser | |
JP2K_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSource | Class for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing <Type> essence |
KLVEObject | KLVEObject class |
KLVEObjectPtr | Smart pointer to a KLVEObject (cannot point to KLVObjects) |
KLVObject | KLV Object class |
KLVObject::KLVInfo | |
KLVReadHandler_Base | Base class for KLVObject Reader handlers |
Label | A UL or end-swapped UUID label |
LEUint16 | |
LEUint32 | |
ListOfFiles | List-of-files base class for handling a sequential set of files |
MapIndex | Number/String duality object for index item in objects |
MDObject | Metadata Object class |
MDObjectList | A list of smart pointers to MDObject objects |
MDObjectParent | A parent pointer to an MDObject object (with operator[] overloads) |
MDObjectPtr | A smart pointer to an MDObject object (with operator[] overloads) |
MDOType | Holds the definition of a metadata object type |
MDTraits | |
MDTraits_BasicArray | |
MDTraits_BasicCompound | |
MDTraits_BasicEnum | |
MDTraits_BasicInt | |
MDTraits_BasicStringArray | |
MDTraits_DefaultTraits | |
MDTraits_Int16 | |
MDTraits_Int32 | |
MDTraits_Int64 | |
MDTraits_Int8 | |
MDTraits_ISO7 | |
MDTraits_Label | |
MDTraits_Rational | |
MDTraits_Raw | |
MDTraits_RawArray | |
MDTraits_RawArrayArray | |
MDTraits_TimeStamp | |
MDTraits_UInt16 | |
MDTraits_UInt32 | |
MDTraits_UInt64 | |
MDTraits_UInt8 | |
MDTraits_UMID | |
MDTraits_UTF16 | |
MDTraits_UTF16String | |
MDTraits_UUID | |
MDType | Holds the definition of a metadata type |
MDValue | Metadata Object class |
MDValuePtr | A smart pointer to an MDValue object (with operator[] overloads) |
Metadata | Holds data relating to a single partition |
MetadataPtr | A smart pointer to a Metadata object (with operator[] overload) |
MPEG2_VES_EssenceSubParser | Class that handles parsing of MPEG-2 video elementary streams |
MPEG2_VES_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSource | Class for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing MPEG-VES essence |
MXFFile | Holds data relating to an MXF file |
NewFileHandler | Base class for handlers to receive notification of the next file about to be opened |
ObjectInterface | Interface for any class containing an MDObject that needs to behave like an MDObject |
OutputContext | |
Package | Holds data relating to a package |
PackageParent | A parent pointer to a Package object (with operator[] overload) |
PackagePtr | A smart pointer to a Package object (with operator[] overload) |
ParentPtr | Parent pointer class - used to allow an object referenced by another object to make a returrn reference without forming a loop |
ParserDescriptorList | List of pairs of essence parser pointers with associated file descriptors |
Partition | Holds data relating to a single partition |
PartitionInfo | Holds RIP data relating to a single partition |
PartitionParent | A parent pointer to an Partition object (with operator[] overload) |
PartitionPtr | A smart pointer to an Partition object (with operator[] overload) |
Primer | Holds local tag to metadata definition UL mapping |
Rational | Structure for holding fractions |
RawFileSink | EssenceSink that writes a raw file to the currently open file |
RefCount | Standard implementation of IRefCount |
ReorderIndex | A class that holds entries for an index table that will be temporally reordered |
RIP | Random Index Pack class |
SmartPtr | Smart pointer with reference counting and auto object deletion |
SmartPtr::__RefCounter | Default IRefCount implementation used by SmartPtr |
sopSAXHandlerStruct | |
SourceClip | Holds data relating to a SourceClip |
SourceClipPtr | A smart pointer to a SourceClip object (with operator[] overload) |
StreamFile | |
SymbolSpace | SymbolSpace used to translate a symbolic name to a UL |
TEMPLATE_EssenceSubParser | |
TEMPLATE_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSource | Class for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing <Type> essence |
TEMPLATE_EssenceSubParserFactory | Factory class for making <Type> parsers |
TimecodeComponent | Holds data relating to a Timecode Component |
TimecodeComponentPtr | A smart pointer to a SourceClip object (with operator[] overload) |
Track | Holds data relating to a track |
Track::TrackTypeListItem | Structure for a single item in the track type list (for comparing data definitions) |
TrackParent | A parent pointer to a Track object (with operator[] overload) |
TrackPtr | A smart pointer to a Track object (with operator[] overload) |
TypeRecord | Single entry for a type to be defined - built at run-time and can be stacked if required to allow out-of-order definitions |
UL | Universal Label class with optimized comparison and string formatting |
UMID | |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier class with string formatting |
VBILine | Class that holds a single line of VBI data |
VBISource | Class that holds the VBI data for a frame and supplies it as an EssenceSource |
WAVE_PCM_EssenceSubParser | |
WAVE_PCM_EssenceSubParser::ESP_EssenceSource | Class for EssenceSource objects for parsing/sourcing MPEG-VES essence |
WaveFileSink | EssenceSink that writes a wave file to the currently open file |
waveheader_t | |
WrappingOption |