IndexManager Class Reference

#include <index.h>

Inheritance diagram for IndexManager:

RefCount IRefCount List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IndexManager (int PosTableIndex, UInt32 ElementSize)
 Construct with main stream details.
 ~IndexManager ()
 Free any memory used.
void SetBodySID (UInt32 SID)
 Set the BodySID.
void SetIndexSID (UInt32 SID)
 Set the IndexSID.
void SetEditRate (Rational Rate)
 Set the edit rate from a rational.
void SetEditRate (Int32 Rate_n, Int32 Rate_d)
 Set the edit rate from numerator and denominator.
UInt32 GetBodySID (void)
 Get the BodySID.
UInt32 GetIndexSID (void)
 Get the IndexSID.
Rational GetEditRate (void)
 Get the edit rate.
int AddSubStream (int PosTableIndex, UInt32 ElementSize)
 Add a sub-stream.
void SetPosTableIndex (int StreamID, int PosTableIndex)
 Update the PosTableIndex for a given stream.
void AddEditUnit (int SubStream, Position EditUnit, int KeyOffset=0, int Flags=-1)
 Add an edit unit (of a stream) without a known offset.
void SetOffset (int SubStream, Position EditUnit, UInt64 Offset, int KeyOffset=0, int Flags=-1)
 Set the offset for a particular edit unit of a stream.
bool OfferEditUnit (int SubStream, Position EditUnit, int KeyOffset=0, int Flags=-1)
 Accept or decline an offered edit unit (of a stream) without a known offset.
bool OfferOffset (int SubStream, Position EditUnit, UInt64 Offset, int KeyOffset=0, int Flags=-1)
 Accept or decline an offered offset for a particular edit unit of a stream.
void SetTemporalOffset (Position EditUnit, int Offset)
 Set the temporal offset for a particular edit unit.
bool OfferTemporalOffset (Position EditUnit, int Offset)
 Accept or decline an offered temporal offset for a particular edit unit.
void SetKeyOffset (Position EditUnit, int Offset)
 Set the key-frame offset for a particular edit unit.
bool OfferKeyOffset (Position EditUnit, int Offset)
 Accept or decline an offered key-frame offset for a particular edit unit.
Position AcceptProvisional (void)
 Accept provisional entry.
Position GetLastNewEditUnit (void)
 Read the edit unit of the last entry added (or IndexLowest if none added).
void AcceptNext (void)
 Accept next edit unit offered.
int LogNext (void)
 Log next edit unit offered.
int AcceptLogNext (void)
 Accept the next edit unit offered and log it.
Position ReadLog (int LogID)
 Read the edit unit from a given log slot (or IndexLowest if not available).
void Flush (Position FirstEditUnit, Position LastEditUnit)
 Flush index data to free memory.
UInt64 GetFirstAvailable (void)
 Get the edit unit of the first available entry.
UInt64 GetLastAvailable (void)
 Get the edit unit of the last available entry.
IndexTablePtr MakeIndex (void)
 Generate a CBR index table or empty VBR index table for the managed index.
int AddEntriesToIndex (IndexTablePtr Index, Position FirstEditUnit=IndexTable::IndexLowest, Position LastEditUnit=UINT64_C(0x7fffffffffffffff))
 Add all complete entries in a range to the supplied index table.
int AddEntriesToIndex (bool UndoReorder, IndexTablePtr Index, Position FirstEditUnit=IndexTable::IndexLowest, Position LastEditUnit=UINT64_C(0x7fffffffffffffff))
 Add all complete entries in a range to the supplied index table - allow reordering to be undone.
void ForceVBR (void)
 Force an index that appears to be CBR to be treated as VBR.
bool IsCBR (void)
 Access function to read CBR flag.
void SetValueRelativeIndexing (bool Val)
 Set value-relative indexing flag.
bool GetValueRelativeIndexing (void)
 Get value-relative indexing flag.
void SetSubRangeOffset (Position Offset)
 Set the sub-range offset.

Protected Member Functions

IndexDataGetArrayEntry (Position EditUnit)
 Access an entry in the managed data array - creating or extending the array as required.
void Log (Position EditUnit)
 Log an edit unit if it is of interest.

Protected Attributes

bool UsesReordering
 True if the index table uses reordering.
bool FormatFixed
 True once we have started building an index - can't then change the format.
bool DataIsCBR
 True if the index table will be CBR.
int StreamCount
 Number of streams (including the main stream).
int StreamListSize
 Size of PosTableList and ElementSizeList arrays.
int * PosTableList
 PosTableIndex for each stream.
 ElementSize for each stream.
int ManagedDataEntrySize
 Size of each entry in the ManagedData array (depends on number of sub streams).
std::map< Position, IndexData * > ManagedData
 Map of IndexData entries for all recorded edit units.
 Provisional entry, not yet added to ManagedData.
Position ProvisionalEditUnit
 Edit unit of ProvisionalEntry.
std::map< Position, int > UnsatisfiedTemporalOffsets
 Temporal offsets for unknown (possibly future) entries.
std::map< Position, int > UnsatisfiedTemporalDiffs
 Temporal diffs for unknown (possibly future) entries.
UInt32 BodySID
 The BodySID of the data being indexed.
UInt32 IndexSID
 The IndexSID of any index table generated.
Rational EditRate
 The edit rate of the indexed data.
std::map< int, PositionEntryLog
 Log of edit units of entries of interest.
int NextLogID
 Next ID to use for LogEntry.
bool LogWrapped
 True if NextLogID has wrapped back to 0.
int LogNextEntry
 If >= 0 the next entry recorded should be logged with this as the log ID.
bool AcceptNextEntry
 True if next entry should be accepted regardless of other acceptance rules.
Position LastNewEditUnit
 Edit unit of the last entry added.
bool ValueRelativeIndexing
 Flag to allow value-relative indexing.
Position SubRangeOffset
 An offset to apply to correct position if sub-ranging (number of edit units discarded at the start of the essence).


struct  IndexData

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IndexManager ( int  PosTableIndex,
UInt32  ElementSize 

Construct with main stream details.

~IndexManager (  )  [inline]

Free any memory used.

Member Function Documentation

void SetBodySID ( UInt32  SID  )  [inline]

Set the BodySID.

void SetIndexSID ( UInt32  SID  )  [inline]

Set the IndexSID.

void SetEditRate ( Rational  Rate  )  [inline]

Set the edit rate from a rational.

void SetEditRate ( Int32  Rate_n,
Int32  Rate_d 
) [inline]

Set the edit rate from numerator and denominator.

UInt32 GetBodySID ( void   )  [inline]

Get the BodySID.

UInt32 GetIndexSID ( void   )  [inline]

Get the IndexSID.

Rational GetEditRate ( void   )  [inline]

Get the edit rate.

int AddSubStream ( int  PosTableIndex,
UInt32  ElementSize 

Add a sub-stream.

Sub-stream ID or 0 if error

void SetPosTableIndex ( int  StreamID,
int  PosTableIndex 
) [inline]

Update the PosTableIndex for a given stream.

void AddEditUnit ( int  SubStream,
Position  EditUnit,
int  KeyOffset = 0,
int  Flags = -1 

Add an edit unit (of a stream) without a known offset.

SubStream The stream number, 0 = main stream
EditUnit The position of the edit unit being set
KeyOffset The key frame offset for this edit unit (or 0 if not being set by this call)
Flags The flags for this edit unit (or -1 if not being set by this call)
DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is the absolute value from stream start, so will not start at 0 if sub-ranged

void SetOffset ( int  SubStream,
Position  EditUnit,
UInt64  Offset,
int  KeyOffset = 0,
int  Flags = -1 

Set the offset for a particular edit unit of a stream.

SubStream The stream number, 0 = main stream
EditUnit The position of the edit unit being set
Offset The stream offset of this edit unit
KeyOffset The key frame offset for this edit unit (or 0 if not being set by this call)
Flags The flags for this edit unit (or -1 if not being set by this call)
DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is relative to the sub-range, so it will start at 0 if sub-ranged (or be -ve for pre-charge)

bool OfferEditUnit ( int  SubStream,
Position  EditUnit,
int  KeyOffset = 0,
int  Flags = -1 

Accept or decline an offered edit unit (of a stream) without a known offset.

DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is the absolute value from stream start, so will not start at 0 if sub-ranged

bool OfferOffset ( int  SubStream,
Position  EditUnit,
UInt64  Offset,
int  KeyOffset = 0,
int  Flags = -1 

Accept or decline an offered offset for a particular edit unit of a stream.

DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is relative to the sub-range, so it will start at 0 if sub-ranged (or be -ve for pre-charge)

void SetTemporalOffset ( Position  EditUnit,
int  Offset 

Set the temporal offset for a particular edit unit.

DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is the absolute value from stream start, so will not start at 0 if sub-ranged

bool OfferTemporalOffset ( Position  EditUnit,
int  Offset 

Accept or decline an offered temporal offset for a particular edit unit.

DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is the absolute value from stream start, so will not start at 0 if sub-ranged

void SetKeyOffset ( Position  EditUnit,
int  Offset 

Set the key-frame offset for a particular edit unit.

DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is the absolute value from stream start, so will not start at 0 if sub-ranged

bool OfferKeyOffset ( Position  EditUnit,
int  Offset 

Accept or decline an offered key-frame offset for a particular edit unit.

DRAGONS: The EditUnit supplied here is the absolute value from stream start, so will not start at 0 if sub-ranged

Position AcceptProvisional ( void   )  [inline]

Accept provisional entry.

The edit unit of the entry accepted - or IndexLowest if none available

Position GetLastNewEditUnit ( void   )  [inline]

Read the edit unit of the last entry added (or IndexLowest if none added).

void AcceptNext ( void   )  [inline]

Accept next edit unit offered.

int LogNext ( void   ) 

Log next edit unit offered.

The next edit unit stored is recorded in the log.

An ID used in a call to CheckLog() to get the EditUnit when available (-1 if error)

int AcceptLogNext ( void   )  [inline]

Accept the next edit unit offered and log it.

Position ReadLog ( int  LogID  )  [inline]

Read the edit unit from a given log slot (or IndexLowest if not available).

void Flush ( Position  FirstEditUnit,
Position  LastEditUnit 

Flush index data to free memory.

The array is not resized (unless it is totally cleared) so this will not gain much when flushing the end of the array. If the beginning of the array is flushed the data is shuffled down allowing more new entries to be added to the end before resizing.

UInt64 GetFirstAvailable ( void   ) 

Get the edit unit of the first available entry.

UInt64 GetLastAvailable ( void   ) 

Get the edit unit of the last available entry.

In a reordered index this returns the last of the contiguous completed entries

IndexTablePtr MakeIndex ( void   ) 

Generate a CBR index table or empty VBR index table for the managed index.

int AddEntriesToIndex ( IndexTablePtr  Index,
Position  FirstEditUnit = IndexTable::IndexLowest,
Position  LastEditUnit = UINT64_C(0x7fffffffffffffff) 
) [inline]

Add all complete entries in a range to the supplied index table.

Number of index entries added

int AddEntriesToIndex ( bool  UndoReorder,
IndexTablePtr  Index,
Position  FirstEditUnit = IndexTable::IndexLowest,
Position  LastEditUnit = UINT64_C(0x7fffffffffffffff) 

Add all complete entries in a range to the supplied index table - allow reordering to be undone.

Number of index entries added

void ForceVBR ( void   )  [inline]

Force an index that appears to be CBR to be treated as VBR.

This allows non-indexed KLVs to cause the essence stream to be VBR in nature

bool IsCBR ( void   )  [inline]

Access function to read CBR flag.

void SetValueRelativeIndexing ( bool  Val  )  [inline]

Set value-relative indexing flag.

Value-relative indexing will produce index tables that count from the first byte of the KLV of clip-wrapped essence rather than the key. These tables can be used internally but must not be written to a file as they are not 377M complient

bool GetValueRelativeIndexing ( void   )  [inline]

Get value-relative indexing flag.

Value-relative indexing will produce index tables that count from the first byte of the KLV of clip-wrapped essence rather than the key. These tables can be used internally but must not be written to a file as they are not 377M complient

void SetSubRangeOffset ( Position  Offset  )  [inline]

Set the sub-range offset.

IndexData* GetArrayEntry ( Position  EditUnit  )  [protected]

Access an entry in the managed data array - creating or extending the array as required.

void Log ( Position  EditUnit  )  [inline, protected]

Log an edit unit if it is of interest.

Member Data Documentation

bool UsesReordering [protected]

True if the index table uses reordering.

bool FormatFixed [protected]

True once we have started building an index - can't then change the format.

DRAGONS: There may be a need to allow changes later...

bool DataIsCBR [protected]

True if the index table will be CBR.

int StreamCount [protected]

Number of streams (including the main stream).

int StreamListSize [protected]

Size of PosTableList and ElementSizeList arrays.

int* PosTableList [protected]

PosTableIndex for each stream.

UInt32* ElementSizeList [protected]

ElementSize for each stream.

int ManagedDataEntrySize [protected]

Size of each entry in the ManagedData array (depends on number of sub streams).

std::map<Position, IndexData*> ManagedData [protected]

Map of IndexData entries for all recorded edit units.

IndexData* ProvisionalEntry [protected]

Provisional entry, not yet added to ManagedData.

Position ProvisionalEditUnit [protected]

Edit unit of ProvisionalEntry.

std::map<Position, int> UnsatisfiedTemporalOffsets [protected]

Temporal offsets for unknown (possibly future) entries.

std::map<Position, int> UnsatisfiedTemporalDiffs [protected]

Temporal diffs for unknown (possibly future) entries.

UInt32 BodySID [protected]

The BodySID of the data being indexed.

UInt32 IndexSID [protected]

The IndexSID of any index table generated.

Rational EditRate [protected]

The edit rate of the indexed data.

std::map<int, Position> EntryLog [protected]

Log of edit units of entries of interest.

int NextLogID [protected]

Next ID to use for LogEntry.

bool LogWrapped [protected]

True if NextLogID has wrapped back to 0.

int LogNextEntry [protected]

If >= 0 the next entry recorded should be logged with this as the log ID.

bool AcceptNextEntry [protected]

True if next entry should be accepted regardless of other acceptance rules.

Position LastNewEditUnit [protected]

Edit unit of the last entry added.

bool ValueRelativeIndexing [protected]

Flag to allow value-relative indexing.

This is NOT implemented in the IndexManager, but must be handled by the caller

Position SubRangeOffset [protected]

An offset to apply to correct position if sub-ranging (number of edit units discarded at the start of the essence).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Apr 2 15:20:59 2007 for MXFLib by  doxygen 1.5.1-p1